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We Can Answer Your Endometriosis Questions

Are you struggling with endometriosis pain? Perhaps you aren’t sure whether your symptoms indicate this condition or not. Regardless of your circumstances, Manhattan Reproductive Surgery Center is here to help. We work with patients from New York City, Southern New Jersey, and Connecticut to find solutions to their endometriosis. We understand you have plenty of questions about the condition, including how endometriosis affects pregnancy. Below, we’ve answered some of our most frequently asked questions. Get some answers here, or get in touch with us.

What Is Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a condition in which tissue that usually lines the uterus grows in parts of the body it shouldn’t. Typically, this occurs in the abdominal cavity.

Is It Common?

Endometriosis is quite common. We estimate that about 10 percent of the population deals with the condition and up to 50 percent of women with infertility struggle with endometriosis.

Why Does Endometriosis Occur?

We have not yet pinpointed the exact cause of endometriosis. However, it is theorized that retrograde menstruation, abnormal endometrial tissue, and immune system alterations may all contribute to the onset of the condition.

Who Is Most Susceptible?

Women with endometriosis typically experience the onset of symptoms anytime between their first period to the beginning of menopause. Those with infertility may also have an increased chance of endometriosis.

Are There Risk Factors?

There are potential risk factors for endometriosis. Family members with the condition, frequent menstrual cycles, and prolonged periods may all put you at higher risk.

Is Endometriosis Inherited?

We do not yet fully understand endometriosis’ causes. However, some studies show that relatives of women with this condition are much more likely to develop it themselves.

Should My Family Members Be Tested?

Because the condition may be hereditary, it’s always a good idea to get tested if a close family member has been diagnosed with endometriosis. If you have endometriosis, you may want to advise your female relatives to get checked as well.

What Are the Common Symptoms of Endometriosis?

It’s a good idea to have an idea of the early signs of endometriosis. Most of our patients deal with pelvic pain during menstruation, ovulation, or sex. Other symptoms might include infertility, unexplained fatigue, lower back pain, excessive bleeding, constipation, and nausea.

How Do You Diagnose Endometriosis?

At Manhattan Reproductive Surgery Center, we diagnose endometriosis during a laparoscopy. This minimally-invasive surgical procedure allows us to take a better look at the abdomen.

How Long Will I Be Sore After a Laparoscopy?

Soreness and pain after the procedure vary from person to person. Some of our patients only feel sore for the first few days, while others take a week to recover. Our team will make sure you have the proper recovery instructions that will help you feel your best as soon as possible.

Is Endometriosis a Form of Cancer?

Although endometriosis sometimes comes with cysts and benign tumors, this condition is not a form of cancer. There is little to no relationship between endometriosis and a higher risk of cancer.

Can Endometriosis Be Prevented?

Medical professionals do not know of any way to prevent endometriosis. However, understanding risk factors and common symptoms can go a long way to receiving prompt treatment and managing the condition effectively.

How Do I Cope with the Pain?

If you’re experiencing back or pelvic pain due to endometriosis, there are plenty of pain management strategies to try. Our team typically recommends applying heat, taking painkillers, and physiotherapy to help relieve your symptoms.

How Does It Affect the Rest of the Body?

Endometriosis pain can affect more than just the pelvic region. Oftentimes, the pain spreads to the lower back. This condition may also put you at higher risk of other ailments, such as rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis.

Will I Be Able to Have Children?

Unfortunately, there is a link between endometriosis and infertility. However, prompt endometriosis treatment can increase your chances of a normal pregnancy. Don’t assume an endometriosis diagnosis means you’ll never be able to have children!

Will Pregnancy Cure Endometriosis?

Pregnancy will not cure endometriosis. Although many women report a decrease in chronic endometriosis pain during pregnancy, others may experience pain all the same.

Can Endometriosis Be Cured?

There is not currently a cure for endometriosis. Fortunately, we do have numerous treatment options that may work for you.

What Kinds of Treatments Options Do I Have?

At Manhattan Reproductive Surgery Center, we will walk you through each treatment for endometriosis. Every patient has unique needs, and certain treatments work better for some people than others. Typical methods for treating endometriosis include:

  • Medication, especially to relieve pain: We may refer you to a pain specialist, but we focus on getting to the root cause of the problem, not just covering up the symptoms
  • Medical therapies to reduce estrogen levels
  • Surgery to remove endometriosis-affected areas: A minimally-invasive laparoscopy is very effective and the only way to truly diagnose and remove endometriosis tissue from your body
  • Hysterectomy: This is an extreme option that we do not recommend or perform
Can Endometriosis Come Back After Treatment?

While endometriosis symptoms can return after treatment, recurrence is not overly common. About 20 to 30 percent of women report symptoms reoccurring within five years of treatment. However, symptoms disappear in most patients during menopause.

Talk to Us About Treatment Today

Our team would be happy to discuss your endometriosis symptoms and treatment options. We understand your struggle and want to help you find relief as soon as possible. Schedule an appointment with Manhattan Reproductive Surgery Center today. Our friendly team is happy to help.

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